Monday, February 20, 2012

I wasn't done talking about cheese....

Some things I forgot to mention that I find mention-worthy.

  • My week worth of agonizing tooth pain was due to not 1, but 2 wisdom teeth making little to no painful headway. After my swollen giant face went back to my normal sized fat face, I felt the tippy tip top part of my top wisdom tooth. Thank you America that they finally feel better! I was about 2 days away from letting Jen do open-heart surgery on my gums.

  • I found these little things called "Skunkies" at Bed, Bath and Beyond expensive, and you stick em in your shoes. They make your whats supposed to be girl smelling shoes smell less like boys gym shoes.

  • My bladder is broken and I don't think duct tape, Dr. Phil, or the Wonder Pets can help. I peed myself while sneezing this weekend. I felt like the most awesome 25 year old ever. Hi my name is Rachel and I pee a little when I sneeze.

  • I have figured out that my favorite drink EVER helps my worst problem ever. Pickle juice makes your heartburn go away.

I think that's all now.

Baby bladders and sober thoughts, Rachel

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