Well according to my sobriety counter (yeah, there's an app for that) I am 9 days and 9 hours sober. YAY. I'm to the point where I'm not thinking about drinking as much as I was, which is a huge relief, but I cant help but wonder how long it will last. I think making it through the super bowl and all its glorified (and actually lame this year) beer commercials was a great test. Anyhow, after my 9 days of being booze free I have realized the following....

1. I had more fun being sober watching a football game. Being able to actually remember the day at the end of the night was awesome. The only time I didn't (before getting sober) have a beer in my hand when there was a football game on, was when I was hungover and puking. This usually led to drunk football talk with my usuals. And by talk I do mean obnoxious-drunk-strung together sentences pertaining to the game.
2. Although I have been more tired than usual, waking up hangover free has been awesome. I'm still kind of in lazy mode when it comes to keeping the house clean, but its not due to being bed ridden and wanting to shoot myself. Not waking up hungover on Saturday led to one of the best days Ive had in awhile. I want more days like that. More days I can look back on and be proud that instead of feeling shitty laying around the house, I got my ass up and made memories!

3. No more hangover means no more hangover munchie binges. I'm pretty sure hungover I could eat a weeks worth of food. With that being said, my eating habits going back to normal are gonna be good for my waist, and bank account. I'm really good when I want to be about eating right and without the added calories of beer and nursing hangovers with enchiladas, I'm really confidant that I will start to lose all this annoying weight Ive put on.
4. No more being broke. I cant count on all my fingers and toes how many times we would spend our last few dollars on beer. I think the worst part though was asking Trent's mom for money for something like gas knowing damn well we were getting beer. Its embarrassing as hell, but its the truth. If I'm going to commit to being sober, I need to commit to being honest, otherwise how will my story help anyone else or myself! With our bank account not being drained into our bellies, I really want to save up and be able to go see my family back east. My dad, my siblings, my step-mom, not to mention all my moms family...

5. Ive been talking to my family more. I love my dads, and Ive seem to have put my relationships with them on the back burner. Being hungover or drunk 4-5 days a week really made me anti-social. I lost my mom when I was 19 and thankfully we had had a great relationship when it happened. I want that with my dads. Losing my mom so young made me realize ANYTHING could happen, and to value what people you have in your life because there is no guarantee of tomorrow. I want them to be proud of me. I would hate to lose one of them, or them me and the last memories were of me being drunk or missing a last phone call because I was hungover and didn't feel like talking on the phone.
Hopefully I will have more things to add to this list soon, but for now I think I have a good start. I'm thankful for being able to BE THANKFUL and just see the blessings that Ive had all along and was too blind to see! For now im going to show my thanks to my baby who works all day to take care of me and get to cleaning this messy house. haha.
Awesome epiphanies and sober thoughts, Rachel
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