Well its been a couple days since Ive updated. I had a super busy and fun weekend. Friday night we grabbed some Sonic and had an awesome movie night.... On Saturday me, Trent, and Whiskey went lake hopping and I took some awesome pictures. It was real cool just holding hands and walking along the lake with my lil pupster behind us soaking up all the new things he was experiencing. Then we went grocery shopping, EEEEEK, it was horrible. HEB was beyond packed, but I think we did pretty good, especially Whiskey who trooped it up in the truck the whole time! We came home and watched more movies! Did I mention movie nights with my mister are my favorite? And on Sunday I made homemade chili and Trent made homemade chicken noodle soup for tonight.
We of course watched the Super Bowl, which although my boys didn't win, they at least made it and did an awesome job!!
<3 My Patriots FOREVERZ!!! It was even more awesome because I was texting with my dad the whole game! It was almost like watching it with him, which I have no idea how long its been since that has happened. I could have done without all the shit talkers trying to bring me down afterwards though. Guess they don't really have alot to brag about so that was all they had. Good for them.
I didn't do any meetings this weekend, but it was just so awesome to spend time with my babe uninterrupted. I'm also not sure if I'm going to do any today. I don't feel to well and I'm pretty sure its from my lack of sleep. I stayed up and watched a movie last night thinking I was going to sleep in today and boy was I wrong. I woke up to barking around 8 (which wouldn't have been so bad had I fallen asleep before 2), which usually means my dogs are out terrorizing the neighborhood. Thankfully it was someone Else's dog. I still had to check every 5-10 minutes on our dogs because they started eating another hole in the fence. I was suppose to have lunch with my friend Jen but of course that couldn't happen. I had to watch for the pound to come get the loose dog and for Trent to come home and patch up the fence. I think a nap is well needed for today.
My new laptop, well once I pay for it :) |
I checked on our refund and we should be getting it in 2 days. I cant wait to pay off some of our debt and get a laptop. To be able to do meetings from bed late at night or even on the couch where its warm and comfy is gonna be awesome. I think I seriously need to invest in a new computer chair too. This one is horrendous, sitting here for the few minutes Ive been here, is already killing my back! GRRR.
I really thought I was going to get on here and bitch about some things that completely pissed me off yesterday, but I guess my meetings really are working, as I really don't even care anymore. I cant control how other people act but I can sure control how I REACT. 8 days sober and counting!
Weekend blessings and sober thoughts, Rachel
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