Well hi there. How are you? Oh good....Me, I'm fine. I haven't been back to my online AA group since I checked in to announce that I was still sober. I don't know when I'll go to my next one but I hope I pick my momentum back up soon. It's seriously just nice spending time with Trent and not being preoccupied. I have a tendency to let things consume me and I really need to learn how to balance life in general. I'm still sober though and that's all that really matters. I'm still enjoying my hangover-free lifestyle and not eating copious amounts of indigestible crap. I haven't had the urge to drink again which is super awesome as well.
I think more than anything I'm enjoying Trent not drinking.
Its hard to handle his crazy drunk ass when I'm sober and I'm glad I haven't had to.
I don't do normal very well at all. It leads to a lot of resentment and the undying want to see a therapist and figure out "whats wrong with me". ( I just had a flash of Charlie Harper, aka Charlie Sheen pop in my head. I wish we were friends. He's my kind of people.)

Today I went to my friend Jens, shes awesome. We just rekindled our friendship in December after having a good 2 years in between the time that we had been friends. It was a pretty weird 2 years beings how we use to be tight as hell but shit happens. Because of it though, I have learned yet again, that working with friends is a terrible idea. Especially one that you have known for almost half your life and you know just how to piss each other off. Ha ha. Its pretty awesome that even with there being so much time between us being friends we went right back to normal. One of the normals I actually don't mind. With not having a real close family for so long I always considered my family my friends so its really good for my insides to have that normalcy back. That and she is just as crazy as me. I love crazy.

I once again forgot to get a scale this weekend and my broke one is saying I've gained 6 pounds. I think it just hates me and wants me to feel like the fattest heifer on earth. I don't know who can gain 6 pounds in a few days with eating healthy food and not having fat attacks but whatever. I did however have some awesome nachos at Jen's from Mejor Que Nada. MMMMMM. They're flipping awesome. And probably fattening as hell but oh well. There is going to be alot of fat burning action going on in the spare room so all is going to be forgiven.

Mine is more like Barbie hair, not even Barbie hair...The hair that comes on Barbie's horse that comes out of its ass...The tail, that's it, the tail. But only after it got knotted up, chewed on by the dog, then soaked in baby oil so when you rip the brush through it to get the tangles out, you rip out half its ass hair.
Well that is all for now. I've rambled on for far too long.
A.D.D ramblings and Sober thoughts, Rachel
Lol. I <3 your blog!
ReplyDeletethank yous. :)