Thursday, May 31, 2012


Its been 431 days since I've last blogged, maybe a day or 2 less, but I think I'm pretty damn close.


Dun Dun Dun

I no longer work, or so I'm going to assume I don't since the only word Ive heard is less than BIRD. No sweat off my metaphorical balls. There are big things out there for me and I'M GOING TO FIND THEM, WITH A FREAKING CAPS LOCK ATTITUDE, because it is bigger and better than the alternative.
I am 4 months sober as of yesterday, I think, and I still feel AMAZE BALLS. My last counseling session (per probation) is next Wednesday and I'm super sad. I'm hoping I can talk them into a few more sessions just so I get an extra boost of help.

GUESS WHAT. The 4th is around the corner....(TRENT'S GOING TO BE AN OLD MAN) More importantly Its going to be a whole year since my DWI. OI. I wish I could find the State Trooper who pulled me over and thank him for saving my life. I was headed to a bad place and although it STILL took me months afterwards to make the change that I have, I would have never done it without having to face such drastic consequences. I also would have never went to DWI class and met Sergio. Sergio is..... I don't even know how to put it. He was coming home from work one night and was drinking and swerved into an 18 wheeler. Dear God the boy is lucky to be alive. One of his arms is mangled and the side of his face including his ear not being there, is really messed up (for lack of better words). He hadn't had that much to drink, but had he not had a drink at all, he wouldn't have to have surgery after surgery to put his body back together. Sergio is an awesome guy and I really wish I had gotten his email address or something so I could keep in touch, but JUST MEETING him is enough to keep me on the right track. Sergio will probably continue to drink because he probably isn't an alcoholic but I'm sure he learned his lesson about drinking and driving. I just wish he didn't have to look in the mirror and see the lesson everyday on his face. I'M LUCKY, I'm lucky that I didn't have to learn the way he did. I'm lucky that out of the million times I drank and drove I didn't get hurt or hurt anyone else. I'm lucky I got caught before any of the above could ever happen. Anyways, Happy almost life changing day to meeee. And God Bless the Sergio's out there, especially the one who helped me out :)

Community Service has gotten less BOASHJDHFIPSDHBPIF these last few times. I stopped thinking about it as something I HAD to do, and just started to pretend like I work there. Its quite depressing when I don't get paid the next week but its keeping me motivated until I'm finished. I actually wish they were hiring because I LOVE the idea of working somewhere where I'm involved in HELPING someone. As much as people piss me off, I do sometimes like them, and almost always don't like them suffering.

We got new couches. And due to going through 2 or 3 a year we also got Bacon (my meow meow) declawed, so she has no part in ruining them.

Trent now is the proud owner of running shoes and workout clothes. He also has yet to use them.

This was more random than I meant for it to be, my bad, my next post will be more structured, actually it probably wont be. But its going to be alright.

Bittersweet birthdays and sober thoughts, Rachel



  1. Hey there Sweetheart, Just thought I would drop by again Just to see if you get ur drank on yet...lmaoOr maybe did some carvinfg recently. Just showing some love;)

  2. Thank for asking, I'm doing great! Hope you are well too! God bless.

  3. Doing great... got a big drink on last night. Drank one for you honey!

  4. Thanks for keeping up your blog. I appreciate you sharing your story with the people on the web! I can definitely identify with having a significant other who drinks (while me being sober). It is not an easy thing to deal with. This kind of things don't come with an instructional manual you know? I hope things work out well for you. I will be cheering you on! I got help from a place called New Life House. Check out their site if you are looking for help. New Life House - A Structured Sober Living
