Friday, November 16, 2012

9 months and a few weeks sober with a almost new life.

Yes! 9 months baby! Life is about the same except for the fact that I'm no longer with Trent. Sobriety is an eye opener for sure. I don't think I should have to settle in one part of my life while the rest is taking off and I'm doing so much that I didn't think I could do. Since I'm a mess and don't have my life together we are still living together but our problems are officially separate  I stay sober and he drinks and I'm officially done wrecking myself over it. I love him, but that deep love is pretty much gone. I couldn't make things work as hard as a tried, and sometimes you just have to quit before you break. I'm very hopeful for the future and although things are super weird now, I have complete faith everything will work out and that I will one day end up where I'm suppose to be, and wherever that is I will surely be there SOBER!

Till next time----

Sober/Blessed/Thankful - Rachel

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